Prostate issues are a given for men if they live beyond age 45. Understanding the contributing factors related to male prostate problems is crucial.
The following factors must be address if men wish to avoid or remedy prostate issues before they become debilitating: sluggish bowel, poor digestion, autoimmune driven inflammation, nerve and blood flow to the genitals, stress and anxiety management, dietary fat insufficiency, poor liver function and the Autoimmune Attack Cycle.
Direct intervention and massage of the prostate is absolutely critical for restoration of the prostate; semen flow must be restored and released multiple times a week; sugar, alcohol and fruit intake must be seriously reduced; liver function and digestion issues must be corrected; bowel activity and volume must be increased; use of NSAIDS and other offending items must be eliminated;
Sweets and fruit consumption are extremely inflammatory to the prostate, particularly at night. Going to bed with an empty bladder AND an empty bowel is critical to the restoration process.
Inflammation of the prostate always involves an autoimmune response that must be addressed.
Ask for guidance and assistance before your prostate decides to let you know that it is in trouble and before the system uses fear and uncertainty to scare you into submission and a decision that will haunt you for the balance of your life.
A problem avoided is a problem solved!
Ask for guidance.
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