Men have issues and men have needs, but sadly men think ‘hormones’ are issues that only women suffer. But men are wrong on this point and the sooner they wake up, the easier it will be for them to look and feel better and avoid male problems of all kinds.
Signs and symptoms of aging in men are: balding, obesity, low sex drive, graying and thinning hair, prostate trouble, loss of muscle mass and tone, reduces semen flow, low energy, impotence, cold body, liver spots on skin, moodiness, depression, fatigue, sagging skin, digestive issues and cardiovascular related problems.
Hormonally speaking, men ‘peak’ by age 25, and by age 30 despite efforts to stay macho, men deteriorate. By age 40 the process of ‘andropause’ is in full swing and it is all downhill from there.
Men lose out for the same reason women lose out: by default! Men leave their body no choice and loss of male sexuality becomes reality.
So what’s it going to be, guys? Would you like to keep your puberty window open or kiss it all goodby? That window can easily be kept open and even ‘reopened’, if men would only listen.
Rare is the man who will openly discuss loss of male sexuality. Better to suffer quietly than reach out! Unfortunately, male doctors suffer the same demise because they just do not know that good alternatives are available.
The doctor succumbs to the same ugly drugs and surgeries as his patients. And the ads on the radio and TV does not save men because everyone is focused on the wrong thing.
Every man must understand that their bodies are the male version of their female counterparts. For example, women have problems with their ovaries and uterus, but every man is going to encounter and deal with their prostate gland.
The prostate is at the very center of male sexuality, period! The good news is that there is absolutely no excusable reason for men to suffer problems with their prostate.
Hormones are an issue for men just like for women. But for the man who reaches out for help, he will get a new lease on life and can stop worrying about loss of sex drive and his prostate.
The Young Again Club Male Protocol is designed to ‘enlighten’ men in the ways their bodies function.
The Male Protocol varies according to every man as there are many factors to consider.
If you would like to confront your ‘male’ issues, ask for help.
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